Friday, 31 March 2017

Bad Mood-Breez Mita

          Bad mood.
1.Bad day at home.
3.My brother was hitting me.

At home suddenly like always my brother picking on me like every day after school.One day I got so angry that I went to go kick him but I ended up kicking his phone.His phone went flying like a bird and landed on behind the couch I ran into the room and crabed his bag and ran out with it and throw it at him.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

First aid training.

D-Look for danger.

S-Send for help.
C-Commence CPR

it felt squishy and it was weird because i've never pushed on a dummy.

Friday, 10 March 2017

swimming sports from Breez

1.At the school pools cheering.

3.after lunch.
 Arriving to the pool as the red flaming teacher calls out the 8 and 9 year old girls who wants to do medley. Me and my friends went up. Jumping into the freezing cold pool starting as soon as I had done two laps i got really tired I was slowing down my heart was pumping fast like a cheater. My nervous friend Nuviua she was in front of me but then swam fast like a cheater trying to get out of the water but then i touched the brown brick wall faster then Nuviua. Jenna was way behind me. She was tired like a sleepy sloth i looked behind me,in front and beside me. Finally we were nearly finished. cones everywhere flags around the poles people all around the pool people cheering for there house colours i  look up people were cheering for me.